solution food production

Work comfort and contamination control

In the Food & Beverage industry, monitoring the performance of the ventilation system is critical. Responsible for eliminating contaminants (odours, vapours, particles, gases, etc.), it is also the main defence against contaminants coming from outside.

To ensure proper food production, processing and storage conditions, monitoring the correct operation of an aeraulic system in a food processing environment involves continuous tracking of pressure, temperature, humidity, air speed and flow parameters using robust, reliable instruments.

Parameters to be monitored

  • Temperature

  • Airflow / Velocity

  • Hygrometry

  • Pressure

Continuous Monitoring (Ventilation System)

Continuous Monitoring (Ventilation System)

Preventing bacteria and mould growth protects both products and staff. So you need the right instruments to ensure that a constant air flow is maintained to renew the air in the various climate controlled areas (CCAs).

Installed directly on the ventilation systems of food processing facilities, our humidity, temperature, flow rate and pressure sensor-transmitters measure, display, transmit and alert the technical departments that are responsible for securing production using reliable measurements.

read more about Si-C320


Multifunction transmitter

For clean rooms, regulated environments and industrial VAC applications where a perfect regulation/monitoring of the air parameters is needed, our Si-C320 transmitters provide reliable measurements and allow you to achieve compliance with the strictest regulations.

The Si-C320 housing is waterproof, rugged and resistant to vaporised hydrogen peroxide (VHP). It also features a colour touch screen for comprehensive viewing and advanced control of measurement parameters.

In addition, measurements can be recorded and downloaded via the Sauermann Control application/software.

See all available models

read more about TH 210-R

TH 210-R

Humidity and temperature sensor

Kimo’s TH 210-R measures humidity and temperature including 0 to 100 % RH and -20 to +80°C (ambient model), -20 to +80°C (pc remote probe), and -40 to +180°C (stainless steel remote probe).

read more about PST



A manostat is a pressure gauge which has a switch inside its casing. At a selected pressure the switch activates an electrical contact and stops the machine on which it is wired.

Kimo’s PST is used to control pressure.

Kimo Class 320 CTA
Continuous Monitoring (Controlled Areas)

Continuous Monitoring (Controlled Areas)

Additional protection is provided by adjusting the mixing ratio through the correct balancing of air flows. It ensures that there are sufficient pressure differences to avoid contamination (particles, bacteria or pollutants) between the different CCAs in the plant.

In climate-controlled rooms, the CPE 320 flush-mounted sensor is an ideal measurement tool, with its stainless steel front panel and high accuracy (±0.3 Pa). It can be fitted with flush-mounted temperature and humidity sensors, also in stainless steel.

read more about Si-C320


Multifunction transmitter

For clean rooms, regulated environments and industrial VAC applications where a perfect regulation/monitoring of the air parameters is needed, our Si-C320 transmitters provide reliable measurements and allow you to achieve compliance with the strictest regulations.

The Si-C320 housing is waterproof, rugged and resistant to vaporised hydrogen peroxide (VHP). It also features a colour touch screen for comprehensive viewing and advanced control of measurement parameters.

In addition, measurements can be recorded and downloaded via the Sauermann Control application/software.

See all available models

read more about Si-CPE320


Multifunction panel transmitter

For clean rooms applications, the Si-CPE320 transmitter is flush mountable to avoid disturbing the working environment. It is equipped with a highgrade stainless-steel waterproof front panel with an integrated touch screen.

Equipped with the same technologies as the Si-C320, this panelmounted version provides state-of-the-art reliability and accuracy.

In addition, measurements can be recorded and downloaded via the Sauermann Control application/software.

Si-CPE320: Optional wireless communication module
Si-CPE320-W: Integrated wireless communication module

read more about CP 210-R

CP 210-R

Differential pressure and temperature sensor

Kimo’s CP 210-R measures air velocity, airflow & pressure and is ideal for use in industrial and pharmaceutical applications.

Kimo Class 320 CTA
Spot Measurements

Spot Measurements

To check filter efficiency, two key parameters need to be verified: pressure and flow rate. With its numerous modular probes, the AMI 310 is the perfect portable device for checking all air parameters on-site during a spot inspection.

Note that air pollutants on factory sites can come from both internal industrial processes and the outside environment. Air filtration is essential to protect the interior of the site, but also to prevent particles from being released into the outside air.

read more about AMI 310

AMI 310


Kimo’s AMI 310 measures simultaneous parameters including pressure, temperature (Pt100 and thermocouple), humidity, air quality (CO/CO2), air velocity, airflow (vane probes and hotwire), and tachometry.

read more about DBM 620

DBM 620

Air Flow Meter

The newly redesigned Sauermann DBM 620 Air Flow Meter is a multipurpose electronic air balancing instrument primarily used for efficiently taking direct air volume readings from air vents. 

read more about MP 210

MP 210


Kimo’s MP 210 micromanometer measures pressure, air velocity, airflow, temperature, tachometry, gas leak and carbon monoxide (up to 6 simultaneous measurements).

AMI 310
Metrological Services

Metrological Services

Our metrology technicians can travel anywhere in mainland France to ensure that production sites are not brought to a standstill. They can work on all types of installations and processes, and check your instruments, whatever their brand.

It is essential to have measuring equipment checked and calibrated in order to guarantee product conformity. In addition to our on-site calibration service, our Dordogne site has 600 m2 of metrology laboratories with Cofrac accreditation in hygrometry and temperature.

Sauermann Services


Our two main factories
Our customer service
Our metrology laboratories
Our Research & Development team

over 45 years of measurement experience

45 years of experience

For over 45 years, the Sauermann Group has been designing, manufacturing and marketing products and services dedicated to the HVACR and industrial markets.