Sauermann Group cookie policy

Version n° 3 updated on 06/28/2024

Table of contents Presentation: Sauermann group 1 1. Cookie statement 1 2. List of Cookies we use on our website 2 a. Functional Cookies 2 b. Analytical Cookies 2 c. Marketing Cookies 2 3. How to deactivate Cookies 3 a. Deactivate Cookies via your browser settings 3 b. Refusing Marketing Cookies 3 4. Updates and Questions 3 a. Will we change our Cookie Policy? 3 b. Do you have any questions about our Cookie Policy? 3

We are Sauermann group, abbreviated to SG ("we / our") :

We take the protection of your personal data ("personal data") very seriously. This document sets out our cookie policy (the "Cookie Policy") which describes (1) our Cookie Statement, (2) the list of Cookies, (3) how to disable Cookies and (4) the principles for updating this Policy.

A separate document sets out our personal data protection policy (the "Personal Data Policy").

1. Cookie Statement

Our website uses Cookies and comparable technologies (jointly referred to as "Cookies"). Cookies are small computer files that are stored on your device when you visit our site.

Cookies take the form of text files that can identify you as a customer and save your personal preferences (e.g. your language choices) and technical information (including click stream data).

In addition, we may also use web beacons, also known as "web beacons" or "clear gifs" or similar technologies that are used to track how you use our site and which pages of our site you visit.

The first time you visit our site, you will be asked to accept the use of Cookies.

Our use of Cookies is subject to your express, prior and specific consent before they can be deposited on your terminal.

By using the Sauermann group site, you accept the use of Cookies in accordance with this document. If you do not accept the use of these Cookies and other Cookies, you can deactivate them by following the instructions below under the heading "Cookie Management". However, certain areas of the Sauermann group website can only be accessed with so-called "necessary" Cookies and you should be aware that by disabling them completely you may not be able to access certain content or features of the website.

Our site uses different types of Cookies: functional Cookies, analytical Cookies and marketing Cookies.

Functional Cookies are intended to make our website easier to use, to make it more pleasant for visitors and to give you a more personalised browsing experience; for example, Cookies that remember your choice of language.

When you log on to our website, a functional cookie is placed in your browser: it enables us to recognise you as a visitor to our website and to adapt the content on our website to your personal situation. These functional Cookies only identify your device in order to recognise it, but they are not able to identify you directly or to track your browsing activity on other websites.

According to the legislation, you do not have to agree to functional Cookies.

Analytical Cookies collect information on how visitors use our website (pages visited, average length of visit, etc.) in order to improve its content, to better adapt it to the wishes of visitors and to increase its user-friendliness.

Marketing Cookies track the browsing behaviour of visitors and establish a user profile in order to personalise the browsing experience. They allow to show the user personalised advertisements.

The information collected by marketing and analytical Cookies may be shared with third parties such as advertisers.

As soon as you enter our website, you will have the choice to accept or decline marketing and analytical Cookies:

  • By clicking "Accept", you agree to accept marketing and analytical Cookies and thus the profiling and sharing of your data with third parties such as advertisers ; you will always be able to delete them at a later date
  • by clicking "No, thanks", only functional Cookies will be active.

2. List of Cookies


Cookie name






Google Analytics

Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.

2 years

HTTP Cookie


Google Analytics

Used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate

1 day

HTTP Cookie


Google Analytics

Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.

1 day

HTTP Cookie



Sets a unique ID for the session. This allows the w eb site to obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical purposes.

1 year

HTTP Cookie



Sets a unique ID for the session. This allows the web site to obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical purposes.



3. How to disable Cookies

a. Disable Cookies via your browser settings

Most browsers accept Cookies by default. However, you can at any time adjust your browser to accept or refuse Cookies on a case-by-case basis, or refuse them systematically.

However, if you refuse to accept the necessary Cookies or if you delete those already stored on your device, you will no longer be able to benefit from a certain number of the website's functionalities; in this case, we decline all responsibility for the consequences related to the degraded functioning of the site.

For your information, you will find below advice on how to deactivate Cookies on your device. If you encounter difficulties, please consult the "Help" section of your browser where you will find further information on how to oppose the use of Cookies and other similar technologies:

  • For Internet Explorer:
  • For Chrome:
  • For Firefox:
  • For Safari:

b. Refusal of commercial Cookies

You can also visit the site proposed by the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA) in order to refuse or accept Cookies used by the companies registered on this platform. NOTE: this site is totally independent of our organisation. The following link contains additional information about how you can manage the information shared by your browser when you interact with Google services on third party websites and applications:

4. Updates and Questions

a. Will we change our Cookie Policy?

We are constantly trying to improve our services in general and our website in particular, for example to take account of new purposes or changes in legislation; this is why we will from time to time have to adapt our Cookie Policy. The date and version of the last update can be found at the very top of this document.

b. Do you have any questions about our Cookie Policy?

If you have any questions or concerns about our Cookie Policy, you can send us a detailed message by post to our office or by email to our address, and we will try to address your concerns.